#1 networking calculator and Cisco IOS configuration tool
"DivIP is a networking application designed to fit all network administrators and students.
It provides a simple method to divide IP address (both IPv4 and IPv6), perform subnetting, supernetting, VLSM, calculate IGRP/EIGRP metric and many other features."
• IP: Divide IPv4 and IPv6
• CIDR: Display information about subnet mask and wildcard mask
• SUBNET: Perform subnetting for both IPv4 and IPv6
• SUPERNET: Perform supernetting (prefix aggregation, route aggregation or route summarization)
• VLSM: Perform subnetting by VLSM technique
• METRIC: Calculate metric for IGRP and EIGRP
• BASE NUMBER: Convert between 4 number systems (binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal)
• EUI-64: Convert MAC address into EUI-64 MAC and Link-local IPv6 address
• CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Configuration
• No ads
• All useful features in one app
• Good looking design
• Easy to use, fast to enter input data and a reliable app
• Provide help inside app (step-by-step and video)
• Multi-platform (now available for Windows, Android and Nokia X)
• Save on upgrade
• العربية
• English
• Español
• French
• Nederlands
• Tiếng Việt
DivIP now available for Windows PC, Android and Nokia X.
Take a look on DivIP for Windows PC: http://goo.gl/26UezM
Upgrade DivIP to DivIP+: http://goo.gl/utPjMD
• If you love DivIP, please rate and share it.
• You can help me by purchase DivIP+, translate DivIP to your own language or join testing group.
I'm trying to make DivIP better and better.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me (rain.quyln@gmail.com).
Thank you!
# 1 jaringan kalkulator dan alat konfigurasi Cisco IOS
"DivIP adalah aplikasi jaringan yang dirancang untuk cocok untuk semua administrator jaringan dan siswa.
Ini menyediakan metode sederhana untuk membagi alamat IP (IPv4 dan IPv6), melakukan subnetting, supernetting, VLSM, menghitung IGRP / EIGRP metrik dan banyak fitur lainnya. "
FITUR overiew
& # X2022; IP: Bagilah IPv4 dan IPv6
& # X2022; CIDR: Menampilkan informasi tentang subnet mask dan masker wildcard
& # X2022; SUBNET: Lakukan subnetting untuk IPv4 dan IPv6
& # X2022; Supernet: Lakukan supernetting (prefix agregasi, rute agregasi atau rute summarization)
& # X2022; VLSM: Lakukan subnetting dengan teknik VLSM
& # X2022; METRIC: Hitung metrik untuk IGRP dan EIGRP
& # X2022; DASAR NOMOR: Mengkonversi antara 4 sistem nomor (biner, oktal, desimal dan heksadesimal)
& # X2022; EUI-64: Mengkonversi alamat MAC ke EUI-64 MAC dan alamat IPv6 Link-lokal
& # X2022; CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Konfigurasi (CCNA)
& # X2022; Tidak ada iklan
& # X2022; Semua fitur yang berguna dalam satu aplikasi
& # X2022; Tampan desain
& # X2022; Mudah digunakan, cepat untuk memasukkan data input dan aplikasi handal
& # X2022; Memberikan bantuan dalam aplikasi (langkah-demi-langkah dan video)
& # X2022; Multi-platform (sekarang tersedia untuk Windows, Android dan Nokia X)
& # X2022; Simpan di upgrade
& # X2022; العربية
& # X2022; Inggris
& # X2022; Español
& # X2022; Perancis
& # X2022; Nederlands
& # X2022; Tiếng
DivIP sekarang tersedia untuk Windows PC, Android dan Nokia X.
Lihatlah pada DivIP untuk Windows PC: http://goo.gl/26UezM
Meng-upgrade DivIP ke DivIP +: http://goo.gl/utPjMD
& # X2022; Jika Anda menyukai DivIP, silahkan menilai dan berbagi.
& # X2022; Anda dapat membantu saya dengan pembelian DivIP +, menerjemahkan DivIP untuk bahasa Anda sendiri atau bergabung dengan kelompok pengujian.
Saya mencoba untuk membuat DivIP baik dan lebih baik.
Jika Anda memiliki masalah atau saran, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya (rain.quyln@gmail.com).
Terima kasih!
#1 networking calculator and Cisco IOS configuration tool
"DivIP is a networking application designed to fit all network administrators and students.
It provides a simple method to divide IP address (both IPv4 and IPv6), perform subnetting, supernetting, VLSM, calculate IGRP/EIGRP metric and many other features."
• IP: Divide IPv4 and IPv6
• CIDR: Display information about subnet mask and wildcard mask
• SUBNET: Perform subnetting for both IPv4 and IPv6
• SUPERNET: Perform supernetting (prefix aggregation, route aggregation or route summarization)
• VLSM: Perform subnetting by VLSM technique
• METRIC: Calculate metric for IGRP and EIGRP
• BASE NUMBER: Convert between 4 number systems (binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal)
• EUI-64: Convert MAC address into EUI-64 MAC and Link-local IPv6 address
• CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Configuration
• No ads
• All useful features in one app
• Good looking design
• Easy to use, fast to enter input data and a reliable app
• Provide help inside app (step-by-step and video)
• Multi-platform (now available for Windows, Android and Nokia X)
• Save on upgrade
• العربية
• English
• Español
• French
• Nederlands
• Tiếng Việt
DivIP now available for Windows PC, Android and Nokia X.
Take a look on DivIP for Windows PC: http://goo.gl/26UezM
Upgrade DivIP to DivIP+: http://goo.gl/utPjMD
• If you love DivIP, please rate and share it.
• You can help me by purchase DivIP+, translate DivIP to your own language or join testing group.
I'm trying to make DivIP better and better.
If you have any problems or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me (rain.quyln@gmail.com).
Thank you!